Ojou-san, sayonara ne...

Ojou-san, ohisasiburidesu ne...
are you still smiling..
are you okay? are you sure u want to do this?
is it true that there is no other way?
all right..

well, it is your choice isn't it?
i've no right to offend it right? come on who am i to you anyway right?
so dont worry, i won’t offend your choice or force you to follow my advice since there is no certainity that my advice is the correct way.

to be truth, i'm affraid that i'll be a little bit tired to make an advice.
i mean this is not the first time for this kind of matter right? not the second or third time either.
even if i dont mind being in my position right now. i really afraid. i do.
i write down my mind about it in a note. Ridiculous right?
so unmanly of me

          "i'm affraid to get tired of spreading widely
           wondering how much i should grasp onto
           the feeling of throbbing and numbing
           while bitting down the heartbeat
           which lead to a repeatedly lost and sorrow"

if this is really a farewell for the bound between us
if this is a god sign for me to close my eyes and keep my head down so i won’t lift it again to see you glaring at the sky
may i say the last thing to you?
          "dont ever lose yourself. you have your origin hikari
           if someday you lose it and fall down the earth
           dont hesitate to see an earthling like me
           i'll help you to turn your engine on
           towards the sky, defying gravity
           so you could took off once more 
           gathering your hikari once more
           overlaps the written story once more
           cross and cross the horizon once more
           dont worry, Ojou-san
           even though i can guarantee that i wont glaring on you
           even though i can promise that  i'll close my eyes
and keep my head down on you when i help you.
           i dont mind trying.
           yakusoku ne, Ojou-san?

Spell me a bell
Scream me if this is wrong
Whisper it by the flow of wind
that reach deep down below my consciousness mind
Move my tongue at truth
and embrace me with courage
that make me believable
make it lighten up once again
and freed away of cornering gloomy

Credit to my friend for the last minute advice in this early day


  1. Hmmmm...
    Ikutin kata hatimu aja deh Ja, karena kadang kita gak butuh satu alasan logis untuk melakukan sesuatu, terutama jika hati yang jadi raja. Saat alasan tak diperlukan dan logika perlu dikesampingkan,..

    Aku percaya kalau hati nurani manusia selalu mengarah pada kebenaran... :)

  2. he... malah promosi partai hanura jare....

    yosh... boku no ureshi desu...

  3. Nice post! :)

    Yuk, order Jeda Sejenak (Sebuah kumpulan esai dan puisi renungan) karya admin Rumah Sajak. Khusus buat followers, cukup 35rb (blm ongkir) saja, plus ttd penulisnya! Berminat? Hubungi diena_rifaah@yahoo.com. Makasih ya.. ^_^

  4. Btw, im the 2000 and 2001 visitor!

  5. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh administrator blog.

  6. aq speechless....km merangkai kata2nya,
    cm itu yg bs aq bilang...aq selalu kagum sama org (in this case, Indonesian) yg bs merangkai kata dlm bahasa Inggris tp maknanya tetep kena....even me, aq blm pede buat begitu *sarjanasastrainggrisyanggapedepakeilmunya...xixixixixi
    keep it up....

  7. @gloria putri: wah wah... yang pinter nulis kan situ... i'm just nobody...

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