It is just damn

To choose between family and my dream,,my ideal..
one of the elder in my big family said "jangan cari kerja di tempat jauh, kasian ortumu dirumah ga ada yg bantuin. Mburu uang ga usah sampe dibelain jauh jauh".
What? It is not about money, it's about dream and satisfaction. Am i not allowed to have my self-satisfaction?
I do love my parents, so much. But i also want to fulfill my dream.
I wonder, Why do i have to be given such choices.. i mean, i know i'm the oldest son,,but i see that they (many first son in the other family) do not face this kind of situation. But me? To work outside? It's just another daydream for me. You know daydream right? I mean you just imagine it and stop,,whoosshaa,,nothing happens.
And yes here i am, just waving my hands to a door called dream.

Ps: reader, dont even dare to judge what i said with your hypocrite mind. Unless you really want me to say "go fuck yourself, you bloody moron"

posted from Bloggeroid


  1. I've been there, Za. Confuse to choose between parents and work which located in different city. But, I chose work. I chose Bali as a place to live. I stay here til now. I've got married in Bali with Balinese guy. And I'm... fine. Though... sometimes I feel guilty with my parents and lil bro.

    But... what can I say? I feel comfortable here. I feel... calm. Secure. As if... no one can harm me. I've chosen for my own sake. For my own future.

    Selfish, maybe, but... I'm human. I cant be perfect. I made lots mistakes. Just cheer up and... see what karma can do.

    Chin up, okay. Nice to share with u...
    I'm more moron than you...

  2. I have same condition alike you. Parent didn't allow me to do something what my heart's clicked on that. I convince them everyday about my dream, and i got it. First they were angry but they allowed me then after explaining all of things. Good luck for you!

  3. @mbak lita : your comment is not hypocrite mbak, since you have ever in this kind of situation. and you are not moron kok mbak. thx a lot mbak. i dont know whether i can do the same since my beloved father still sick. pasca stroke treatment.

  4. @reza pahlevi: thx, but you dont get the point dude. at all. so zip it.

  5. Yang penting ga boleh nyerah yaa.. ;)


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