Some of the most memorable things

Picture of me and my bro.

If you zoom the right one, you'll see how innocent i was. :D

(Those two photos are the first "hanging" picture of me. It is about when my family finally have a new house. Say bye bye to the word "kontrak")

Our first TV. Dont expect too much it is just black and white. #AncientPeriod

Can you guess what are those? Yes, it is an old style bed. Not made of wood, it is a metal and it is full of rust.

Our first emergency lantern.
*up until now i have no idea how this thing works. Hahaha, shame on me.

This disc contents are a "himitsu" for me..hahaha.. although it just some photos and videos, it can be quite harmful for me when it leaked.

Finally! This is not just an ordinary person signature. It is Mr. W.S. RENDRA..! (Demi allah ini asli).
I got this when he came to our school theatre club. Luckily, i was one of them. :)) *a very big smile guys!
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. serba jadul ya sob?
    tulisanya inggris, gak paham aku..

  2. Rezza!Pengen tanda tangan WS Rendranya. Loh, kamu ikut teater juga toh??? wah, calut akuuuuu.

    Btw, tampang kamu kecil itu mana innocentnya??? Hihihi...

    Sampe sekarang aku juga bingung sama lampu petromak itu... gak ngerti gimana nyalainnya.
    Aku juga punya tipi item putih dulllluuuu, cuma besarnya 14 inci. Dan pake pelindung layar, saking berharganya tuh benda. Wakakakaka.

    Yah, sometimes kita emang perlu nostalgia ya...
    Mengingatkan kalau kita juga pernah berada di posisi 'itu'... *pengen balik jadi anak kecil lagi*

  3. @penghuni 60 : iya sob, cuma yang 2 terakhir yang ga jadul jadul amat. maklum lagi belajar nge-english #harapmaklum

  4. Hahaha.. itu juga dapetnya lg bener bener luck mbak. Sekarang orangnya udah almarhum. Aku ikut teater juga banyakan behind the scene, cuma sekali on the stage.

    Yah setidaknya tampangnya ga sinful kayak aku sekarang mbak. :p

    Yes! Toss dulu mbak! Petromax is another mystery of ancient technology. For me. Hahaha

    Bener banget mbak lit, Nostalgia itu perlu emang. To remind us again and make those memories last longer.

    Thx untuk kunjungannya yang kesekian kalinya mbak lita.

  5. Waaahh serius masih ada Tipi jadull.. keyeenn...
    20 tahun kedepan, harga tipi itu dileleng pasti mahal deh harganya *loh..

  6. hahaha.. iya sih, tapi itu juga kalo tv nya nyala. berhubung ga nyala ya.. museum-in rumah deh

  7. Kamu dapet award lohh , yuk diliat :)

  8. wahhhh......oldschool bgt skrng dmn ya dl jg pernah pny......hhhhmmmmmm......soal foto comment deh yaaa *laangsung muntah muntah krn ga nemu cutenya dmn nya*


  9. @dyah : thank you. it will be my first award.

    @glo : oh, come on... don't be so mean,, just praise me a little #ngarep. i mean, at least that face is not as sinful as my face now, that's why i said it was innocent. LOL


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