Redam...Redam... Redam... Part 2 (end)

menjawab pertanyaan sebelumnya pada part1, when we finally try to muffle our emotion and we feel that " well i cant help it, its so god damn hard" what do we do next? apologizing

yep, you can start to apologize yourself and anyone whole-heartedly. By acquiescing everything which had already happened in your life, your life buden will be so mild and even you can make it burdenless.

i do realize that some of you will think that "well it is easy if u think it theoritically, but it is so hard to be appied realistically". well, if you say so, trust e it wont works for you no matter how hard you try.

believe it, do it, feel it.

PS: harap dimaklumi jika pembaca menemukan beberapa grammatical errors dalam tulisan ini


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Menata hati itu...

" ___________ "

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